Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ok so if you haven't noticed... I am pregnant! I am 18 weeks and 6 days as of today! We are really excited and can't wait for this baby to get here. Thanks to my good friend Lauren I have learned a little more about how this whole blog thing works. She helped me find my first baby tracker which turned out super duper cute and then I came across the second one that had a little more info about the baby and its size in fruit! You can't go wrong with fruit but I still liked my first tracker so much that even though it might be over kill I am keeping both up :) So we have just a week and 3 days till we get to find out what we are having, I feel like maybe we can actually start getting ready for this baby. Most soon to be moms probably already have a ton of stuff for there little one but because we live in CA where it is outrageously expensive we haven't acquired much yet. So far my baby "swag" consists of some left over new born diapers that my friend Shelly gave me and then this giant box of wipes! Yup I bought a 1000 count box from Costco, it sounded like a good idea at the time and I am sure they will be used up before we know it. As we get more fun baby stuff I will keep the millions of you reading this updated :)


  1. You are too cute!! You will be such an awesome Mom. Congrats again and I can't wait till you find out what you are having :)

  2. Yeah! Blog post from Sue. Awesome. I really hope you find out your having a girl, for the purely selfish reason of wanting to get you cute gifts. And there is no such thing as cute things for boys in my book....

  3. o awesome boys are the best my vote is for a boy but our link is kirklandfam.blogspot

  4. I finally found your real blog! Thanks for commenting on Bonnie's post:) Soon you will have plenty of baby stuff!
